Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well i havent wrote anything in awhile but here's whats been going on! Here lately Brooklyn has been sleeping in her own bed! :) She has been acting like she is too big to take a nap anymore! :(
I love it when she takes naps cause that usually means mom gets her own peace and quiet! Well she has been rather mouthy the past few days too which i know is her age! Camden has been going hunting still and nothing! He has seen all kinds but nothing big enough or he cant get them to come in close to him. He skipped out on hunting this morning so he could catch up on sleep! LOL He wakes up at 4 or 5 every morning depending on where he is going hunting at and then after hunting he goes straight to work at 10am. He is one tired boy! Work for me has been really slow there has not been a lot of business at the hospital! Thank god for days off! Pregnancy wise i have been feeling pretty good, tired alot, and then every once in a while i have cramping in my hips and sometimes my stomach. It dont last long but it really reminds me of why i hated being pregnant with Brooklyn. I didnt mind being pregnant with her it was just being uncomfortable all the time with all the cramping! Its not fun! Well i got 6 more months of putting up with it! Today i got to see my father in law for the first time in god knows when. My brother in law got in a wreck and broke his leg in many places and had to have surgery today. What fun seeing people u have not seen in forever! Well other than that we have all been healthy here except for some allergies. Brooklyn and i have been congested some from the weather and air. Other than all well here!

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